TACAMO Fallen Veterans - Jim Hastings & Mike Kemp

Jim Hastings
On Mon, Jun 26, 2023 Jack Bowers wrote:
Good morning TACAMO brothers,
I received a call yesterday from Ron Yates. He told me Jim Hastings was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and was not expected to live much longer. He gave me Julie's telephone number. He said they lived in San Antonio, Florida.
I called her to express my sincere sorrow and ask if she would mind if I shared this with other TACAMO brothers who served together at Pax so long ago. She said it was fine, Jim had been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer a little over 2 months ago and was told with treatment and aggressive chemo, he could expect to live perhaps 2 years. Sometimes the disease doesn't read the medical books, his cancer has spread to a number of organs. He is under hospice care now, unresponsive, heavily medicated to control pain, and Julie expects to lose Jim any day now. I believe she told me Jim's birthday is tomorrow, Tuesday, June 27.
They had done a lot of planning, thinking they had more time. Jim will be buried in the National Cemetery there in Florida near their home. Julie told me she would let me know when the time arrives, and I will pass the word on to you. I told her that TACAMO Veterans Association puts out e-notices when shipmates pass and asked if it would be all right to do this for Jim, she said that would be fine. So, TCVA Community, please stand by.
Please pass the word on to any other of Jim & Julie's friends with whom you have contact . She tells Jim when someone calls and conveys their message. The docs and hospice says he can hear and understand despite being unresponsive.
Sad news indeed, we never know when it is our time.
Jack Bowers
Mike Kemp, 2016 TACAMO Hall of Fame Inductee
On Thursday, Jun 29, 2023 Tracy Smith wrote:
'Im sorry to report that ATCS(NAC)-Ret. Michael Kemp passed away last night (28 June 2023) at Providence Medical Center, Waco, Texas. When more information is available, I will let you know.
By his side were close friends and family.
Fair winds and following seas Senior Chief / Doctor Kemp.
Tracy Smith
More information will be posted when
TCVA obtains the obituaries.