Veterans Day - TCVA invites TACAMO Veterans to:
On the 11th day of the 11th month, Veterans Day is an official United States public holiday, observed annually. TACAMO Community Veterans Association recognizes and celebrates the service of the men and women who served and are serving.

TCVA invites TACAMO Veterans to
Show up: Attend a Veterans Day event in your area
Fly a flag: Veterans Day is a great opportunity to fly the flag!
Visit a VA Hospital: Find out what the policies are at your nearest VA hospital for interacting with patients or volunteering, and spend the day with a veteran.
Get Outdoors with a Veteran: Invite a veteran or a military family to explore a national park -- admission is free for all visitors on Veterans Day.
Donate: There are a plethora of wonderful organizations who offer all manner of support, services and appreciation for our service members, including TCVA Heritage Center
Support a TACAMO Veteran-Owned Business: TACAMO Vets share your businesses website link
For Veterans Day Freebees click on the links below: