TCVA Starts Scholarship Program & First Scholarship Fund Raiser
At the 2022 TACAMO Reunion in Pax River, TCVA announced the creation of the TCVA Scholarship Programs. As the program develops, TCVA will provide more information.
Mission Statement
The TACAMO Community Veterans Association (TCVA)
will award annual scholarships to financially in-need students in a
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics) related curriculum.
TCVA is pleased to announce the "First" Scholarship Fund as the
William "Buff" Crowell, III
Scholarship Fund

“TACAMO JOE ON LIBERTY” T-shirts - "100% of sales goes to Buff Scholarship" We begin the fund raising program with the sale of “TACAMO Joe on Liberty” T-shirts. Thanks to Buff Crowell benefactors who have covered the cost of the printed t-shirts and Hank Caruso's donation of "TACAMO Joe", 100% of the sales go to the Buff Crowell Scholarship Fund.
More information, link to purchasing your t-shirt and
making donations can be found by going to