Herc Model 156176 - Props Dressed

At the TCVA reunion in OKC, Steve Hickle was visiting the Crew 4 hallway in VQ-3 Hanger. As Steve was looking in the display case, he noticed the props were missing on the C-130 model 156176.
A model found by Vern Lochausen and Bill Okoniewski while in OKC for meetings in 2011 about the time of VQ-3 change of command. Vern said, “We were looking for buys in OKC antique shops and came across a Herc. Getting closer, I discovered it was 176. Owner bought it at an estate sale in Dallas. We both got the willies…..decided to buy it and give it to incoming CO to fix up. It wound up in the display.”
Steve contacted CDR Britt Windeler, VQ-3 XO to get the measurements for the props. Just so happens Steve had extra props sent with to him with his Herc model ordered from the TCVA Paraloft. He sent them off to CDR Windeler for installation. The shafts did not fit the holes in the nacelles on the model. VQ-3 Chief Selectees graciously volunteered to remedy the situation. Recently CDR Windeler reported the C-130 was modified, props installed, and put back in the Crew-4 memorial area.
Thank you to Steve Hickle, Vern Lochausen, Bill Okoniewski, CDR Britt Windeler, and VQ-3 Chief Selectees for completing the model of “76”. Bravo Zulu !!