Naval Air Forces Pacific Fleet Challenge Coin Presented
At the 50th Anniversary Celebration Gathering for VQ-3 & VQ-4 Mike and Cheryl Vos received the Naval Air Forces Pacific Fleet challenge coin on behalf of the TCVA Team, Vern Lochausen, Jim Gallager, Joe Caruso, and Dennis “Coach” Warren.
“It’s for what you've done to not only support the TACAMO community, but to also keep the camaraderie very strong between veterans, active duty and civilian personnel alike. Having this robust sense of community is hugely important and appreciated by leadership across the Naval Aviation Enterprise.” CDR Jay “JT” Toribio commented. He also ask to please share his words and sincere appreciation with other TCVA Team Members who've helped to keep the organization and community tightly knit. All of you are doing Naval Aviation and TACAMO proud!
TCVA Team is extremely excited to be recognized as leaders of the TACAMO Community in the continued growth of the camaraderie between veterans, active duty and civilian personnel alike. Thank you for your recognition CDR Jay “JT” Toribio